tisdag 29 juni 2010

måndag 28 juni 2010

I fell off my bike, trying to be as cool as the kids in the skate park. I give myself an A for effort.

söndag 27 juni 2010

Richard Kingson...

...has been the goal keeper of Ghana since 1996 and I can really see why. A true talent he is!

måndag 21 juni 2010

The world forgetting by the world forgot

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Such a great titel for a film. It's actually taken from a poem by Alexander Pope, but if you've seen the film you probably know this already. The music, the acting, the special effects...and the theme. For me this is one of the best films about love ever made. I didn't understand it the first time, but for me the best films are like that. They need time to sink in.

torsdag 17 juni 2010

A Generation

"I don't wanna do these grown up things
I'll point my finger at queens and kings
I wanna play dumb
I wanna be a fool
Don't wanna have to keep my cool"

onsdag 2 juni 2010

Det är bara gudarna som är nya

"Jag kastade in en gatsten i rutan. Men någon fångade upp den och sa: 'Kolla vilken fin gatsten Johannes har gjort. Och vilket fint hål i rutan!'"

- Johannes Anyuru om att kramas ihjäl av den makt som man kämpar emot.