lördag 22 januari 2011

Once in a full moon

A person told me that she had a dream last night in which she killed a man who tried to rape her friend. We mentioned the full moon and that it might have had something to do with it. But I believe it might be something else. Or it's just a dream and nothing else to it. Care to interpret?

tisdag 18 januari 2011

Everything is illuminated

So finally I have read the book that inspired the name on top of this blog. And I must say that it was as good as they said. It allowed me to laugh, but it also made me cry. It made me feel all sorts of things and brought me to a lot of thinking. It reminded me why books are still so relevant to read. And also, that reading is very much travelling and maybe best of all, understanding others and also our selves.

One thing that I kept thinking is that this book showed the Holocaust in a very different way than when I saw the remains of Auschwitz. Auschwitz was horrible. So horrible that I could not comprehend all the evil that had taken place there. In Everything is illuminated it was made so concrete. It was felt on a deeper level.

onsdag 5 januari 2011

Skulle jag dö under andra himlar

2010 var året då poesin blev något mer begriplig för mig, främst på grund av Johannes Anyurus böcker.

"Skulle jag dö under andra himlar" är en roman som sätter ord på det som man aldrig hittar ord för. Hur beskriver man en förälskelse? Och den där vilsenheten som ständigt förföljer en? Den här boken är klockren i den skildringen.

måndag 3 januari 2011

Wise words

A wise friend once said: If you feel like you don't belong anywhere, it means you belong everywhere

Hindi Zahra – Handmade