måndag 7 november 2011

I knew it all along!

But don't be fooled. You don't need some expensive special-designed toilet to squat. Just do it on your "normal" one but be sure to keep your balance. And feel the difference!


måndag 24 oktober 2011

fredag 30 september 2011


Great video, fantastic song. Music really can't ever disappoint you, can it? That's a great fact of life.

måndag 22 augusti 2011

Melankoliska rum

"Ledan är en tragisk men ofrånkomlig aspekt av den exceptionella människan. Och här förvandlas tomheten till ett motstånd. Det ligger i det medvetna utanförskapet, att avstå från snärjande vänskapsband, kärlek, flockbeteende, familj och vardagligt arbete. Att förkasta varje handling som binder till banala livsstilar. Bara genom att hålla sig fri kan man extrahera njutning ur den lilla detaljen, det försvinnande ögonblicket."

ur Karin Johannissons "Melankoliska rum - om ångest, leda och sårbarhet i förfluten tid och nutid"

onsdag 17 augusti 2011

Sad to hear you go

It was one of those long days when you just can't decide if you want to be around people
or just run off and be alone
but loneliness scares you because you don't know how you'll handle it

Things you recently thought were the cutiest
now make you feel sick.

And suddenly I remember those sweet words of comfort.
This too shall pass!

onsdag 3 augusti 2011

tisdag 14 juni 2011


"Nostalgija je totalno imaginarna. Nimalo realnosti sa sadašnjosti i najbolje bi bilo kad bi je čovjek izbrisao iz svojih osjećanja. Ni jedan momenat u životu ne možeš nikada ponovo doživjeti istim osjećajem i intenzitetom."


torsdag 2 juni 2011

måndag 30 maj 2011

Rest in peace Gil Scott-Heron

You were truly an inspiration and will be greatly missed. Thank you!

måndag 23 maj 2011

Roller derby

The day before yesterday I attended my first roller derby game. In a sold out event we saw Stockholm Roller Derby beat Hamburg Harbor Girls in an very intresting game (even though the Stockholm team lead for most of the time). It's a fascinating sport and I didn't really have any problems following the rules. Neither was it as violent as I expected it to be.

I guess I just love anything that has some small wheels attached to it.

"Whip it" is a film about this sport. Check it out!

torsdag 19 maj 2011

Kafane i rokenrol

"I palim sva svetla nad ulicom
sijaju kafane i rokenrol
Nina Simone De Beauvoir drugi pol."

onsdag 11 maj 2011

Tricky love

This pictures say it all. Seeing Tricky live gave me a sense of what true democracy can be. He pulled up people on stage to rock out with him and his fantastic band. Towards the end of the show he come out into the audience and greeted people and it was just awsome. Love is what I felt! This is how concerts always should be like.

onsdag 4 maj 2011

onsdag 27 april 2011

onsdag 20 april 2011

Den nya världsfotbollen

Jag känner att jag håller på att överdosera på fotboll och det utan att ens ha sett särskilt många fotbollsmatcher på sistone. Jag har egentligen bara följt Barcelonas matcher mot Real Madrid och det har inte ens blivit hela matcher då jag haft lite oflyt med streamandet. Anledningen är den grymma reportageboken "Den nya världsfotbollen" av Sveriges häftigaste sportjournalist, Erik Niva. Nu är inte jag den som kan räkna upp särskilt många sportjournalister överhuvudtaget, men han är helt i min smak. Fotbollen i hans värld är tätt förknippad med samhället runt omkring. Han är ingen propagandist, men ser helt enkelt lite längre än alla andra, han orkar lyfta blicken bortom läktaren och sätta saker i sitt sammanhang. Jag rekommenderar den varmt till alla, men kanske särskilt dem som är väldigt skeptiska till sporten i fråga. Den kastar nytt ljus över detta bolljagande fenomen.

torsdag 7 april 2011

Me And The Devil

This is from the very fine album "I'm new here" by the legendary Gil-Scott Heron.

onsdag 30 mars 2011

May Nothing But Happiness Come Through Your Door

You went silent again
when we thought we needed you the most
we are to blame for putting all our hopes
into hollow hands

we still miss you
but deep inside we're glad
that you didn't have to go through
yet another shitty war

torsdag 24 februari 2011

This cool picture...

...of Karen O and M.I.A. The coolest ever.

onsdag 23 februari 2011

Live it, it said

She said, after mentioning her suicide attempt: "I'm angry and frustrated, but I want to live."

He said: "What's the point in dying when you're already dead inside?".

I just laughed. Is there anything else to do? Really?

Life is shit, life is beautiful. Lets live it now and pass a judgement on it later.

onsdag 9 februari 2011

lördag 22 januari 2011

Once in a full moon

A person told me that she had a dream last night in which she killed a man who tried to rape her friend. We mentioned the full moon and that it might have had something to do with it. But I believe it might be something else. Or it's just a dream and nothing else to it. Care to interpret?

tisdag 18 januari 2011

Everything is illuminated

So finally I have read the book that inspired the name on top of this blog. And I must say that it was as good as they said. It allowed me to laugh, but it also made me cry. It made me feel all sorts of things and brought me to a lot of thinking. It reminded me why books are still so relevant to read. And also, that reading is very much travelling and maybe best of all, understanding others and also our selves.

One thing that I kept thinking is that this book showed the Holocaust in a very different way than when I saw the remains of Auschwitz. Auschwitz was horrible. So horrible that I could not comprehend all the evil that had taken place there. In Everything is illuminated it was made so concrete. It was felt on a deeper level.

onsdag 5 januari 2011

Skulle jag dö under andra himlar

2010 var året då poesin blev något mer begriplig för mig, främst på grund av Johannes Anyurus böcker.

"Skulle jag dö under andra himlar" är en roman som sätter ord på det som man aldrig hittar ord för. Hur beskriver man en förälskelse? Och den där vilsenheten som ständigt förföljer en? Den här boken är klockren i den skildringen.

måndag 3 januari 2011

Wise words

A wise friend once said: If you feel like you don't belong anywhere, it means you belong everywhere

Hindi Zahra – Handmade